Hi, how are you all?

by - November 10, 2018

Hi, it’s been a long time since I wrote something here. Idk who’s reading this, I guess it’s only me, and that’s actually very very okay. I am just gonna write things on my head, something that I thought they’ll be such good reminders for me, in the future. And I'll just write here because I feel like after I write things that have been bothering my mind, it will be less bothersome.

So I kinda felt sad yesterday, and I've tried to analyze the reasons behind my feeling. I even searched all the way on google with this sentence 'sad is a strong feeling'. The article that I've found said that sadness is a result of another feeling, such as anger, stress, guilt, grief, anxiety, or hopelessness. It also said that sometimes the other feeling seems quite strong that we don't realise we're sad. After sort of times, I try to think about why do I feel this way, why do I feel sad, I need to know the reasons behind my feeling to overcome it. I don't want to be sad all day, it's not a healthly feeling.

I talked to myself, figuring out things I've been afraid of. Took time to make a clear conversation between my heart, and my head. Well, it turned out, I know that my certain hope might not goes well, and even maybe far away from the reality. And at the same time, I remembered a writing, saying that it's not the ones who hurt us, it's our own expectation and me, myself totally agreed with that. After all, my own expectation that gets me sad. But, in the other hand, dreams, hopes, and expectations are what keeping me alive. I couldn't imagine not having any dreams or expectation on my life. Those things are what motivate me, although also probably hurt me. But hey, I might get hurt to know that I couldn't fulfill my own expectation, and that's okay, because I still can make a new hope, a novel expectation, bright strategy, and work for it. Being sad is normal, but please stay on making hopes, making dua to Allah. As Qur'an said, O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.

Okay, so I guess I just want to say that being sad is normal, but please don't be sad way too long, and for anyone who feels sad, I hope everyone and each of you gets better soon. And for my future of myself, DON'T FORGET TO BE HAPPYYYYYY

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